Trinity is a warm and welcoming Lutheran congregation in the Northeast of El Paso. Known for our hospitality and smiles, we celebrate and embrace El Paso’s rich and diverse culture, and we want to serve its citizens with the best news ever! We are thrilled that you’re checking out our page, and we hope to get the chance to meet you at Church! You are welcome here!
Pastor Mike is a Wisconsin transplant who graduated from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in 2019 and was assigned to be the pastor at Trinity that summer. The Cherneys have fallen in love with the beautiful landscape, culture, and people of El Paso, and are excited to serve this diverse community with the gospel! Mike and his wife, Ana, are blessed with two wonderful boys that keep them busy and the house messy. The Cherneys love coffee, tacos, exercise, and puppies. Pastor Mike would love to get to know you! First cup of coffee is on him!
Send a message to introduce yourself or ask a question.
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