About Trinity 

Who We Are

At Trinity, we believe that when you come to church, it should feel like you're with family. You can expect a warm welcome when you come through the door, because members of the Trinity family are excited to celebrate with you the best news there is: the good news of Jesus Christ. You won't find any perfect people at Trinity - but that's what brings us together. We know that we fall short in so many ways, but we come together every Sunday to find our comfort and strength in Jesus, who gave himself up to forgive us, to save us, and to give us hope. Since God uses his Word to share this great news with us, you'll find that Trinity holds tightly to what God says in the Bible. We are called "Lutherans," not because we worship Martin Luther, but because like him we want to stick with what God says in the Bible - no more and no less! We're excited to celebrate the good news with you!


Trinity is part of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. Why is “Wisconsin” in our name if we are in Texas? Our synod has this name because it was formed in Wisconsin the 1850’s. Today it has grown into a network of 1300 congregations and about 390,000 people. Being a part of a global synod allows us to accomplish things we couldn't on our own, such as training future pastors and teachers, and doing mission work around the world.


El Paso is home to Fort Bliss, one of the nation’s largest military installations. Trinity stands ready to serve the men and women who serve, train, or work at or around Ft. Bliss, as well as their families. 

Pastor Mike Cherney

Pastor Mike is a Wisconsin transplant who graduated from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary. Mike and his wife, Ana, have a two-year-old son, Gideon who's full of energy and occasionally likes to help with the dishes. The Cherney family have fallen in love with the mountains and rich culture and community of El Paso. The Cherneys love coffee, tacos, exercise, and puppies. Pastor Mike would love to get to know you! First cup of coffee is on him!
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