By Pastor Mike
December 20, 2024
HOW TO USE: This blog is written to serve as the basis for discussion. Find a partner or group to read through it together! Take turns answering the questions and listening to each other’s answers. Comment, email, or share your insights from your discussion with us! We are nearing the end of our time together in the book of Acts. Throughout this exciting account of the early life of the church, we’ve witnessed the rapid growth of the Christian community. We’ve seen how leaders adapt to change and address growing pains. We’ve witnessed important people like Peter and Paul assert the importance of believing the message about Jesus and living accordingly. Now, as you read Acts 26, you’ll notice that all along, we were never far from the essential building blocks of the faith. As you read Paul’s testimony before King Agrippa, you’ll see that the essential message of Jesus’ birth, life, death, and resurrection was always the driving force behind everything the Apostles accomplished. This is an especially timely reminder right now, as we get ready to celebrate Christmas! May this devotion study motivate you to take what you hear in church on Christmas to heart as the theme of your whole life: that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners such as you and me (1 Timothy 1:15). And may God prepare you like he did Paul to testify to that truth before many people! Read Acts 26 Once again, Paul asserts that Jesus’ resurrection from the dead was a real, historical fact, and as such is the foundation of all gospel preaching. (For more beautiful explanation of this important fact, see 1 Corinthians 15:12-58.) Paul’s personal testimony include a few details that were left out of previous accounts of his conversion. What does Paul mention about his past life that highlight the amazing quality of his story? How does a Christian stay mindful of her/his story “before Christ” without recycling guilt over past sins? When Paul asserted Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, it got him into trouble. How does Paul show that there is no room for differences of opinion about this central fact? Since King Agrippa was familiar with Old Testament doctrine (to some degree), Paul begins to make it more personal to him in verse 27. How does this show Paul’s fearlessness in sharing the gospel? When Paul does this, King Agrippa immediately resists (verse 28). Why do you think he reacted this way to Paul’s witness? Take a look at the following passages. What echoes do you see repeated from Paul’s personal testimony in Acts 26? Colossians 1:12-14 Ephesians 2:19-20 Ephesians 3:1-10 Galatians 1:15-16 Imagine a friend asks you to basically summarize what you believe the Bible to be about. Using what you read in this study (and/or your study of Acts thus far), what 3-5 points would you bring up to summarize the truth of the gospel? At the time of this devotion’s being written, we are very close to our celebration of Christmas. How does Paul’s testimony about the gospel prepare you to celebrate the reason Christ was born? God bless your meditation and discussion! Pastor Mike Cherney