HOW TO USE: This blog is written to serve as the basis for discussion. Find a partner or group to read through it together! Take turns answering the questions and listening to each other’s answers. Comment, email, or share your insights from your discussion with us!
For the next few weeks, these devotions will focus on events in the book of Acts. If you’re not a Christian at all, you’re new to the “Bible” thing, or a long-time church-goer, we are confident following these blogs will prove valuable. To be completely transparent, my prayer is that the book of Acts shows you the beauty of belonging to Christ, being with his people, and speaking about him with all sorts of friends.
The book of Acts (aka “The Acts of the Apostles”) is a companion piece to the Gospel of Luke. Both books are written by Luke, a man who had a front-row seat to the grass-roots development of the Christian church in the 1st century AD. We believe that God used people like Luke to record his Word (2 Peter 1:21). God wants you to know your Savior. Luke’s Gospel detailed everything Jesus did to fulfill the expectations the Old Testament teaches us to have of such a Savior. Luke’s sequel, Acts, shows us that this same God is powerfully active through the life-changing gospel that tells of the forgiveness Jesus won for you and me.
The questions in this Bible study are designed to encourage discussions about how to grow in the Word, serve others, and share what goodness we have in the gospel. Say a quick prayer and get started below!
Read Acts 1:1-8
Jesus was about to ascend into heaven, yet he had promised to always be with us (Matthew 28:20). Because he’s Jesus (True God), he can be present wherever he says he’s present.
· Discuss how you would handle it when someone (like the disciples) says something that shows that they don’t quite understand what the Bible teaches. Do you correct them on the spot? Why or why not?
Read Acts 2:1-4
The ways the Holy Spirit made himself known were very similar to the times God appeared to people in the Old Testament. Peter and the other Apostles knew without a doubt that God was among them, and would work in them to fulfill their marching orders from Christ.
· Jesus had promised that the disciples “Would receive power.” What was the power they received, and how did they show it?
Read Acts 2:14, Acts 2:29-33, and Acts 2:36-47
Throughout the verses that you’ve read, Luke has made it clear that it was God working through the gospel to change hearts. Find or recall phrases from what you’ve read that demonstrate this focus.
· How did Peter show the crowd their sin (Law) and then show them their Savior (Gospel)?
· Modern churches may focus on membership or offering numbers, YouTube views, or social media followers to determine their ministry success. What’s different about the way Luke celebrates success in verse 47? Why is it important for a Christian Church to keep thinking in this way?
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